
John’s Use of the Old Testament in Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Gregory K. Beale explores the variety of ways John uses the Old Testament in the Apocalypse. The introduction surveys and evaluates recent studies, which have been divided over the issue of whether or not John uses the Old Testament with sensitivity to its original literary context. The remainder of the book looks at various ways in which John uses the Old Testament, and argues that there is a...

proposed contradicts the way the wording is used in Ezekiel. In Ezekiel the phrase refers to the commissioning of the prophet and his consequent divine authority, so that he is singled out among the rest of Israel. Likewise, the point of Rev. 1:10 is to underscore John’s unique prophetic authority in order that the hearers would recognize the inspired nature of the message, and seek to understand and obey it (cf. 1:3; 2:7 [and the following ‘hearing’ formulas]; 13:18; 17:9; etc.). While the writer
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